So this was quite a busy past week for me. Had two exams, trying to get the Met Cart in the Ex. Phys. lab working properly so Jason can do his thesis, and the Undergraduate Symposium. The Symposium is where all the bright undergrads present mostly their own research. I had to give a speech on Acceleration Economy Differences in Trained and Untrained Runners. It was fun for me but boring for the audience, oh well. After the Symposium I had to go to work. The following morning marked the true start of cycling season.
So yeah last week I did the Fisk Knob TT. But come on, its a TT. Its a great race wish good competition and a great way to see where your fitness it, but its still not a road race.
Saturday morning was the first race of the FRCC Spring Training Series. Field sizes were surprisingly large considering Barry-Roubaix was the same day on the other side of the state. We had 53 riders in the A group. There was a strong wind out of the east which meant on this course when you go down the hill you are in a strong headwind. So any gap forming on the way up was much bigger by the bottom. The race started off fairly easy. Several people attacked, there were surges but it was all still manageable. At about 35-40 minutes in there was a big split while the pace was high. 15-20 of us were caught out in the second group including my team leader and only other teammate in the race, Adam York.
My goal was to get Adam up to the main group to contend. So for a half lap, I pulled the entire second group up to the main group, I was pushing just around 600 watts to accomplish it. Needless to say, I was exhausted and when the back of the group came around I couldn't jump on. I sat out a lab and jumped back into the rear of the group for a while until there was another split with 25 minutes to go. Again I went to the front as Adam was in our group again. Jamie Smith had been caught out in this split too and was up there with my trying to get a paceline going. Surprisingly some A riders have no idea how to work a paceline. I got frustrated so I did one last insane effort and then dropped out. I needed to rest up for Sunday.
Julie was at the race with me and her and I watched as the A group sprinted for the line. Taking the win by about a bike length was none other than little Tony Wieczorek. A 17 year old schooled some of the best 1/2 riders in the state and won. Congrats. It was then time to recover and prepare for AAVC.
Sunday marked the first of four AAVC spring training series races. The weather wasn't windy but the rain decided to make a guest appearance. Temperature was about 37 degrees and by the time we got to race, the road had puddles and the rain was harder than ever. 45 minutes of crit racing with about 20 guys. I was a little tired from Waterford, but I was still happy with how I rode. I was constantly mixing it up at the front with the other guys, I tried to get into 3-4 breakaways but none succeeded. I even out sprinted Alan Antonuk for a prime.

2 riders eventually made it into a successful break that stayed away for quite a while. As I had no teammates my job was pretty easy. I would go to the front, ride hard then go back and recover. Once I recover I went back to the front and rode hard etc. etc. etc. I had no idea how much time was left in the race as the lap cards were not being updated and I could see the break coming close. So I went to the front and did one last hard effort knowing I was going to get dropped. It was so cold and wet that if i tried to stand up my quads would cramp and I knew there would be a surge on the hill. So after my hard effort I pulled out and hear "3 laps to go!". Just my luck.

Alexey had a 2 lap flyer that got caught in the last lap where Antonuk took the sprint for the win. I wasted no time changing into dry warm clothes. We were all soaked to the bone by the end and most of us couldn't feel our fingers. Great day of racing though. I may not have finished either race this weekend, but I am not unhappy with my results. I am stronger than I was last year at this time by far. As I keep telling myself. This is my first season as a 1/2 it will be a learning experience.
Next week I am racing Saturday as we dont have racing Sunday due to Easter.
Pictures courtesy of Blake Beddow's facebook.
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