Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Season, New Team, Old Blog Reincarnated

Hello to the 3 people that will read this,

I know it has been about a year since I really updated this thing. Thats because it appeared that no one ever read it. But in the past year I have gotten closer with my family, aunts uncles cousins brothers etc. and most of them are interested in my racing. So I am going to try to revitalize this blog for them.

So what has been up? As you probably notices by the massive picture of me at the top of this page (photo credit goes to Erika Fulk) I have changed my blog, I changed my blog because as most of you know I changed teams. have spent 3 years racing for South Lyon/MCG and most of the people I was friends with on the team moved away or stayed as Cat 3. That meant that York and I were alone in the 1/2 races. There wasn't much left for me at MCG and I wanted a new challenge, so I teamed up with my good friend Mark Bush and we started the Ventus Cycling Team. This is a team designed to promote Michigan racing, bring in new riders and help them move up to Cat 1 or Cat 2.

I am very happy with my decision to change, I will miss racing and hanging out with the MCG boys, but in this sport even when we're on opposite teams most of us are still friends. We currently have 10 Cat 2/3 riders and are in the process of creating a development team so we always have young talent. If you're interested in riding for us, contact us at

So what have I been doing all winter? Not riding. I know I should be, but I had no motivation at the end of last season and it carried through the winter months. I am back to training now and should be competitive by June. I did race the first AAVC STS race this past weekend. I managed to finish with the peloton, though we were lapped by a 6 man breakaway. I honestly did not think I would finish because I had not been training, but I still know how to suffer. So I just put my head down and rode. Averaged 230W for 48 minutes, finished at the back of the group because I had no legs to sprint. All in all I was actually quite happy with myself.

Also on deck for this season, I have a new GoPro Helmet Camera. I will be wearing it in the majority of my races depending on road conditions (so NOT Grand Rapids or Maillot Jaune) and I will post clips or short 2-4 minute video from the races here. Check back soon to see video from the AAVC race and our team photo shoot.

Thanks for reading, I will do my best to keep this thing updated. Here is to a fun filled summer and successful cycling season!


djritter said...

If you're looking for someone who's going to be racing some in OH some in MI let me know.

James Anderson said...

Cool stuff, Zack!

Elisa Baker said...

Yay new stuff! Now that I have a bike maybe I will come do a race in MI sometime. Keep me posted on ones that might be good for me =D