Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Well i went down to th eHospital the other day and had an X-Ray of my shoulder taken. My dad looked at it, and it appears that there is no fracutre in either my collar bone or scapula. My doctor (aka my dad) said its probly just a really deep bruise. I believe that, because depsite it still hurts, i have more rang of motion today. So, in short. No its not broken, yes it still really hurts.


Darrell Anderson said...

Glad to hear the x-rays were negative.

dmo said...

So you mean to say you finished the race with a possibly broken collarbone? That's getting into Tyler Hamilton tough-guy territory (minus the blood doping)! Good to hear there's no break. Oh, and what kind of tire pressure were you running? I'm somewhat of a believer in lower tire pressures, like 100-105 psi, for us lighter folks. Heal quick.


Zachary Maino said...

Im doing fine. Woke up this morning, little pain, and full range of motion. I am just waiting for my ordered bike parts to come in, and ill be back out on the road.