Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Break Day 2 - My best friend, the passengers seat

It was another long day, spending much of it in the car. Being the holiday season, there are a lot of people on the road, meaning a lot of traffic, so it takes a while to get from one point to another. I woke up this morning and made myself a cup of cappuccino and had a bowl of cereal. Then my dad and i headed off to meet my brother Eric so we could pick up my bike. It was a very nice shop, Veloce Velo, and for the next week i will be on a gold Colnago ARTE. If you find yourself in the Seattle area, I highly suggest renting a bike from this shop, they will take car of you! After we picked up the bike we drove by the hill that my brother wants me to ride up. Pictures will be up when i ride it in a few days. The short spec list.... 1500ft of climbing in 2.2 miles. Yeah....its going to suck.

After we had lunch and dropped my brother back at his job at Microsoft, my dad and I went downtown Seattle. We walked through Pike's Place Market. That was pretty cool, lots of people, but still cool. We walked by the original Starbucks, and then to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Co. and got fudge. When we were finished we got in the car and made our way back to the house, 27-30 miles. It took us over 2 hours. Now i am back at the house, the bike is inside, and i am blogging. I hope everyone has made it home safe for thanksgiving, and enjoy your holiday!


C said...

Not bad for a rental.

Doug said...

Your writing/spelling needs some work, errors...

What is the rental rate on that bike?

Zachary Maino said...

Yeah Doug, spelling was never my strength. It appears to be a brand new bike, never ridden, its nice, a little heavy, but nice. I dont know the exact rental rate, i dont think its over $30/day

Darrell Anderson said...

...and Doug needs some work on pot-hole avoidance.

Doug said...

What? Darrell, what? What do potholes have to do with any of this????

I am also no master of the English language, that is why I work with computers, spell check and text-to-speech software are wonderful things.