Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So one of the upper Exercise Science students approached me and asked if I would act as the subject for his class presenataion. He was describing and running a Charmichael test. I said sure. I had to follow a 15 minute warm up protocol, then ride a 3 mile time trial.

For the sake of testing, he hooked me up to the metabolic cart for data. (it wasnt necessary) So I came away from the test with some data. Its not bad right now seeing as I am 5'6", 136 lbs and its winter and I havent ridden in a while. Here is the data:

3 miles
7 min 37 sec
Avg Speed - 23.6 mph
Peak Speed - 27.0 mph
Avg HR - 184
Peak HR - 193
Avg Power - 281 W
Peak Power - 451 W
VO2 Peak - 65/kg ml/min

According to that data, my power to weight ratio at this moment is 4.55 W/kg


dmo said...

Looking solid, especially for the off season. I have to say, however, that I was a bit disappointed by your lack of wacky post-surgery blogging. You really missed out on a Hunter S. Thompson opportunity.

Zachary Maino said...

Well thats becasue the medicine didnt do anything to me. It eliminated pain and reduced swelling, but it didnt make me crazy, high or dillusional. So i opted out. Sorry. haha

Doug said...

What this on the bike in class?