Thursday, January 17, 2008

Presidential Tent

Yeah I know, it is a weird post name. But it highlights the two big things im going to mention in the post. So as you know I am participating in some research here at the college. Well we finally got to the point where I actually get to sleep in the tent.

I met up with Ian about an hour before my MAOD test and we brought the tent to my dorm room. Well the tent fits over a Queen sized bed, and out living room is slightly larger than that. So against one wall is the couch with the coffee table and a chair on top of it. Then the TV is kinda in the middle of the room, and the futon is in the tent with my memory foam topper on it so I can sleep comfortably in it. So for the past three nights I have slept at (simulated) 8200 ft above sea level, as opposed to our measly 600ft here in Michigan. Our O2% here is about 20.9% the O2 in the tent when im sleeping is 15.6% which is signifigantly less. This will increase my red blood cell count and make me better on the theory. I will let you know the results as soon as I get them. But it has been fun to sleep in there, there is a dramatic difference in the morning with I unzip the tent and can suddenly breathe so much better haha.

The next post-worthy news is that I have a new title. EMU Cycling Club President.

I went to the meeting today, where only 4 members showed up. They were all graduate students with about a year of school left, so I decided to bid for President, and no one objected, so I got it. Now I get to spend the next week doing paperwork, sending stuff to USA Cycling and organizing with the MWCCC. But in the long run, I believe it will pay off. I will get to meet people and become an influence. I will be at EMU for the next.....several years (8-9) so I would like to work with the club and bring it out of the hole it seems to be in. So if you are reading this and currently go to, are a staff member or used to attend EMU, email me at about becomming a member. We need all the support we can get.

I also got to ride outside yesterday.....amazing.


Cat said...


I know I am not a cyclist...but, if there is any way i can help, you know i will... like i have been since you started lol.

That's right, I was there when Zack rode with hairy legs lol....gross

Doug said...

You can keep that tent thing.

Does that thing give you weird dreams?

8 to 9 years, even I only took five to get my BBA, 6.5 if you also count my MS. I do not think you are as slow as I am... Are you going straight for a PhD, MS, or something beyond your BS?

It is cold outside, you are nuts; when you come down with a lung infection or viral pneumonia do not come crying to me. Nevertheless, I still call dibs on your wheels if you do come down with said illness and do not make it due to the damage that tent will do to your lungs. Yeah, Zack, I do not think you will make it to 20 if you keep up your poor choices and wicked ways... :).

Doug said...

Hay, finally a place with nice carpet.

Doug said...

Wait is that a bottle of wine in the back. And you do need to clean your room.

Doug said...

I see candy on that table, I thought you did not eat and kind of meat or sugar?

Doug said...

Ok, I am going to be, SOME of us have to working in the morning.

Doug said...

Did you vote on Tuesday?

C said...

How will you test to see if the tent is working or not?

Zachary Maino said...

I have been involved in a series of tests. (look at recent blog '4 minutes of death') And on monday I have another test once im out of the tent. Increase in power, VO2max or anything really tells us the tent did something.

Doug, the room is a mess because of the tent. No its not wine, its my trophy, the bottle of belgian beer i won at crit practice last year. No sugar or meat!? are you nuts! Of course I eat sugar and meat, mostly lean meat, and not a ton of sugar, but i still have it. And no, you dont get the wheels. They go the the grave with me.

Chris Aten said...

Nice Man! Congratulations on setting up the club. The tent sounds awesome too. You should race at the OSU race on February 23rd. It will be cold, but it should be a fun early season race.

Chris Aten said...

We should hang out sometime soon. I want to hear about this research and kinesiology. I'm thinking about possibly going to grad school for a kines. degree to do exercise physiology type research.

Anonymous said...

That tent is pretty sweet. It's kind lame that you used a personal yahoo mail for people to contact you about the club. You should have used something like or Anyhow... If you want access to the domain or email there let me know. They were both open tonight so I registered them.

We can talk more about it when you are online sometime.

C said...

Has the test included blood work?

Wouldn't you want to be testing for is an increase in your red blood cell count or production of natural EPO? You will see changes/results in these variables before you see a change in your V02 MAX?

I don't think you will see an increase in power (other than that of a placebo effect) because of the short and infrequent period of time in oxygen deprivation, and because the oxygen deprivation will primarily increase your red blood cell count (over time) which has more to do with Anerobic capacity than the maxiumal amount of watts you can produce.

My guestimate would be that three to four weeks of using this hypoxia tent, if you are spending more time in it than just your sleeping hours, would yield some results concerning your Red Blood Cell count. Your first indicator that the tent is having ANY effect would be an increase in your levels of natural EPO being produced by your kidneys. With enough of an increase in your RBC-count you will start to see in increase in your VO2 Max.

I'm not going to school for this so I'm probably restating things you already know, or are completely irrelevant. (Correct me if I am) I'm curious to see what data your last time in the lab (yesterday) produced.


Zachary Maino said...

Colton, I am assisting in the research, as in i help run the tests. Being a subject in the test, I dont have full access to the data. As soon as I know what all the numbers mean, i will let you know. And yes, I did know all of that haha, which is why I dont believe there will be a huge difference anerobicaly. But Dr. McGregor thinks there is a lot to this. So i guess we will see.