Friday, March 21, 2008

Its Christmas in Spring



Doug said...

You know they have medication that can help with this level of anger you seem to have.

Its Michigan, it snows around here this time of year. And you know, sometimes it even snows in May.

Suck it up, and if you don't like it, file a complaint with the complaint department.

James Anderson said...

Michigan is ruining tomorrow's ride. Darn.

dmo said...

This morning, as I was on my way back from a nice run through the fresh snow, I ran into Rodger on his way out for a ride. So there you go - nothing stopping you from getting out on the bike. Then again, we don't all have Rodger's bike handling skills. At least it seems to be melting quickly.

Doug said...

i'll wait for it to warm up.

C said...

Doug, just remember that nobody "waits" in races.

Doug said...

and I am enjoying all the twinkies over the winter while I wait for it to warm up outside to start training.

C said...

I prefer Hostess's cupcakes.