I first met Cat in August durring the summer between my freshman and sophmore year of high school. We were in Albion at the annual Jackson High School Band Camp. She was an incomming freshman that year. It was either
They were practicing their sets (pictures formed on the feild by the band) in the isles of the chappel and needed some help. I was one of the few people that had a folder that showed every members position on the feild, so I offered to help them after they asked. For the rest of the week and part of the summer I spent my time hanging out with Cat and Kaitlyn.
Over the next several months I hung out with Cat a bit and built a friendship with her. In March(?) of that school year I realized how I felt about her. I wanted to ask her out. We had a half day and I planned to ask her when I saw her later after I went out to lunch with some friends. Well...while I was at lunch, my good freind Mark asked her out.
For the next four months they were together, but I did see and hang out with them often. They broke up in June and Cat and I started dating after that.
Since then, it has pretty much been us together. There were a few breaks in there but we always remained freinds. Most recently I dated Melinda. Cat was my freind through it, though I treated her like crap because I was blinded by Melinda. (Cat and Melinda don't get along) But that is over and Cat and I are better freinds than we have ever been. But that is all we are...just friends. We will let nature take its course and if we decide to go out again, it will be fore a very very long time. But we aren't rushing anything. Just living life as it comes.
She is the only friend I have that has been there for me through everything. The good times and the bad times, she is always there next to me, even when I am mean to her. No other friend has been as faithful.
I take her on family trips, and we have a list of places we are going to go when we get older and have money. She is a very smart, talentes young woman. She is a great photagrapher and an excellent musician (Trumpet.) She is decent at sports (Soccer, Frisbee, Running) but I can't get her on a bike haha.
If you ask me: What is the greatest thing to ever to me? I would have to answer: Being born. Next to my life, I would say becomming freinds with Cat. Over the years we have developed a connection that is just amazing. She is my favorite person in the world and I would do anything for her. She supports me unconditionaly in my sport. She will wake up at 5:30am to drive across the state to stand around the top of a hill in freezing weather only to watch me on my bike for a grand total of 20 seconds (Fisk Knob.) There is nothing more I could ever ask for in a person than in Cat. To me, she is the prettiest and most perfect person I have met.
And that is the history of Cat through my eyes. I left out a TON of information because I didn't want this post to be four pages long, but if you are curious about certain things, just ask. And Cat, if you want me to add something let me know. I'm sure I missed something important.
I play tennis too lol. I just felt like adding something to be difficult and correct you. :-)
You should not post her full name like that on a public blog.
Wait, band camp? And have you or Cat ever said “this one time at band camp...”???.
Well you snooze you lose. Press the attack when the opportunity is open.
Ok, I cannot stand this anymore... you clearly are not an English major. I am using the computer to read this to me and it is hurting my ears… it is “friends,” not “freinds” note the proper location of the “i” and “e” :).
“Talentes” talented?
“photagrapher” photographer!
“becomming freinds” becoming friends????
“unconditionaly” unconditionally, *ugh*
You better hope that your job that will get you all that ‘money’ does not require spelling :).
May I recommend the free software ReadPlease 2003 http://www.readplease.com as well as this option called Spell Check in all versions of Microsoft Word since 1.0. Your university bookstore will have Office 2007 for less then $100 so you do not have to use WordPad to type your blog in, and if EMU does not have it, well I can get it at the Baker bookstore for about $75 I think :).
Perhaps you should learn how to read for yourself instead of using a computer to do it for you Doug. Then you could be more forgiving on typos. :-P
Wouldn't Catherine Diana Jeanne Schlenker-Maino be a long ass name. 30+ characters would barely fit on the width of a credit card.
Doesn't Blogger automatically underline typo's for you? For instance, right now "schlenker-Maino" has a dotted red underline, and if I were to right click it I have the option of adding it to dictionary or changing it to "schlepping".
Yes Colton it does automatically correct me, and it used to. It stopped doing that recently.
Doug. No I am not an english major. English is actually my worst subject. Its not that I dont know HOW to spell, I just type fast and dont pay attention. Hence I mess up FRIENDS. Outside this blog I actually hate writing. Thats why I dont update often, I have to work up the will power to post.
and yes.....we have a ton of stories from band camp (4 years worth) so there are a lot of times we start a story with "This one time, at band camp..."
For example: This one time, at band camp I met this awesome girl named Cat.
And doug.....learn to read please.
Hey, what's wrong with mentioning someone's full name on the internet Doug Festus Gatto?
Festus is not my middle name.
Darrell Pierre Anderson
I thought it was Douglas Pothole Gatto and Darrell Ace Anderson haha
Both Pothole and Ace are nicknames, not middle names.
Doug-less pothole
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Eric, did you HAVE to type that all backwords? For those of you who didnt catch it, my brothers nickname for Cat is "Dog"
I did just type it backwards.. it only take a second. I probably do that kind of crazy stuff more then the average person. I used to take notes in religion class backwards in high school.
I once wrote an entire Chemistry Lab Report backwards....Hunt gave me extra credit for creativity....
So...I think you should have the 'History of Elisa'...here I'll write it for you.... "Elisa is this one chick that I met through Cat...she's pretty cool..." THE END =P
except I just realized that you didn't meet me through Cat...we met in band my 7th grade year....eh whatever
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