Monday, April 28, 2008

Labor Intensive Monday

So I woke up today, knowing I had work to do.

It is springtime, which means its that time of the year at the Maino household where cleaning and various projects happen. Today we cleaned out the garage and I started on creating a new path from the driveway to the pool.

I spent most of the day, 9am-3pm outside cleaning the garage or shoveling dirt. Sounds easy. It really isnt. If anyone has ever dug out a decent sized area and had to move the dirt they know it is heavy. Anyways, I am about halfway done with the digging part. Then I have to lay the sand, pea gravel, and walking stones.

I guess next week we are going to start re roofing the house. Fun!

I talked to a local bike shop owner. He said he was looking for another part-time employee, so I should be getting a job there.

Here is a picture of my house, in case people wondered. I grew up the youngest of 5 boys, which meant there were 7 of us and pets.

Here is a line I painted across the road last year. I use it as my finish line on training rides and when riding with Kurt when he feels like sprinting.

It is a 1/4 mile from the turn to this line.


Doug said...

...and the neighbors did not say anything about you painting the road?

Zachary Maino said...

No. I dont have neigbors across the street if you are asking. But most people in my neighborhood keep to themselves and dont really talk to each other much. Most of them are older too.

Chris Aten said...

You painted your drive road? Nice, I should do that near my apartment place. I think the city might fine me though.

By the way, I finally posted man, haha.