Monday, December 24, 2007

We found a little christmas...

So i have two young cousins, ages 4 and 5.5. All they want for christmas is a go-cart. But we know they are too young for one. So my mom was out shopping, went by TSC (tractor supply company) and found these really nice, steel tubed pedal go-carts with a hand break. Well my mom and i took my trusty Honda Element down there this morning and bought two of them. THEY ACTUALLY FIT in the element. So my young cousins don't know about this. Tonight after they go to sleep, me and one of my brothers are going to drive over there and place the cars on the deck. When they wake up and see their christmas wish came true.....its just going to be cool. The parents only thing we got one. So they too will be surprised. Its fun to be an elf and make christmas happen.

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